Sunday 25 September 2011


A selection of all the lovely new friends the Spoon made at Pure Festival!
Great People!!!

Lovely Pure Festival Staff

Group shots

Even Security and Cloak Room guy are smiling - that's the kind of event the spoon likes!

If you are one of the people in the picture and would like to have it taken down, just let me know.


So here's a little praise for the great event that brought me and the Spoon together.

London's first Pure Festival held at The Garage in Islington - with the very fitting motto: Whisky not Wellies!
The concept is easy enought. Start the day off with whisky tastings hosted by a wide range of shops and distilleries.
They were all super nice and not only did we gradually get in the festival mood, we also learnt a lot about Whiskys from all over the world.

Then throw in some afternoon concerts - of which "Sissy and the Blisters" was the first band we watched. They make music just to my taste - loud angry instruments with a bit of 60s swagger, greatly delivered by the band with a pleasantly dark-voiced front man that seems to have chosen Jim Morrison as his role model. Fine with me! Makes me want to jump up and down and smile like a maniac!

Next highlight was the Oxjam spin the wheel raffle, in which we won amazing things like cloth hangers, wallets, Lollies, Boxer Shorts AND THE SPOON!!!! So this is where the whole
crazyness began! And all this in the name of charity :-)

After that the Whisky event finished and we moved on to music on the main stage. First up was Charlie Waller. Better known as the front man for the Rumble Strips, he walked on stage in a very relaxed manner sporting some tracksuit bottoms. The music however, was top notch. Great guitar skills, an intreaging voice and a huge range of extreme facial expressions to go with it. What a great start. He got me and the spoon dancing!

Next up The Electric Soft Parade a band I have loved since their first album "Holes in the Wall" came out in 2002, but never seen them live - they were well worth the wait and didn't disappoint at all with their great mix between rock and pop - catchy tunes and great voices! A winner! To my special delight they played a few of the old songs from back in the days, when we were all young! And then there was the glitter shirt we all were jealous about.

Headliner that evening was the wonderful Tom McRae who filled in for the Raveonettes, who had to cancel due to injury. Sad as that was, I couldn't be sad for long as I absolutely adore Tom and he's been on my wanna-see list for a long time! Tom has an amazing voice he showcases in beautifully crafted songs that go directly to that happy place in my heart where only really great music goes. So I was in music heaven! And to make things even better, he's a really nice guy who not only invited people up the stage to sing but also made friends with the Spoon!

All in all a great event of which there should be more! I am happy it seemed such a success and me and the spoon will definitely be back next year should they have another go at it.


Hey friendly reader!

Welcome to this new blog! Considering you are reading this, I am already more successful than i expected to be, so YAY!

Let me start with telling you how somebody starts a blog about spoons.
It all began with attending the Pure Festival - a charming event that very cleverly combines Whisky tasting and a bunch of great concerts. Sounds like the perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon and night? Rightfully so!
It got even better when I won a spoon from the Oxjam ruffle:

A few Whiskys and some wonderful concerts later it seemed a great idea to take all kinds of random pictures with all sorts of people and the spoon. The spoon was received incredibly well by the friendly bunch at the festival, so in my alcohol and music hazy mind I decided to start a blog about the spoon. Encouraged by my equally dazed friends, here it is now.

The general idea for this is, that from now on I'll take the Spoon along to all sorts of things I am up to and we will report from there together. Looking at what I usually do, you can expect a mix of concert posts, travelling and a lot of random stuff.

It's also set to become a participation blog. So if YOU do anything cool or travel somewhere, take a picture of you with a spoon or just the spoon, write a couple of lines to describe it, send it to me and I shall post it. (I do however reserve the right to not accept everything - so nothing nasty please)

Hopefully you'll join me in thinking this is a good idea, so I am not wasting my excitement about all the amazing spoon adventures I am hoping to receive. Let's see where in the world we can send the spoons and what crazy stuff they will experience. So bring it on!

So much for introducing the blog. Now let the posting begin!